Hearing Test For Children Near Exhibition Centre Glasgow


Exhibition Centre Glasgow Newborn Hearing Screenings



Hearing Testing for Infants and Young Children in Exhibition Centre Glasgow


Exhibition Centre Glasgow Visual reinforcement audiometry


Pediatric audiologists near Exhibition Centre Glasgow can test infants as young as six months of age behaviorally in a sound-treated booth using a test called visual reinforcement audiometry (VRA). VRA takes advantage of an infant’s reflexive head turn toward sound. In this test, a parent will hold their child on their lap while they sit on a chair in the center of the sound booth. The audiologist will play sounds or talk through speakers that are oriented to the left and right of the child.

There are specially-designed tests to assess hearing in babies and toddlers.


When the child hears the sound and looks toward it, he or she is rewarded with a visual reinforcement toy like a flashing light or dancing bear. The infant will usually stay engaged long enough for the audiologist to get a good indication of hearing ability for at least the better hearing ear. The visually-appealing toys lose their ability to hold the child’s attention once they are toddlers. Around the age of two, social praise will work for behavioral testing.


Play Audiometry near Exhibition Centre Glasgow


A pediatric audiologist in the Exhibition Centre Glasgow area will use a method of testing called play audiometry for toddlers and preschool children. It's a hearing test that is made into a game for toddlers. The parent or assistant will sit on the floor in the booth with the child and train them to respond to any sound they hear by doing a certain task, like putting a block in a bucket.


When the child correctly responds to a sound, the parent or assistant sitting with them will cheer with enthusiasm. Like the visual reinforcement described above, this age-appropriate social reinforcement will typically keep the child engaged long enough for the audiologist to get a good indication of hearing ability at least for the better hearing ear. If the toddler will wear earphones, ear-specific information can be obtained.


Once a child is school-aged, he or she can usually sit still, remain quiet and raise a hand in response to speech and tone stimuli in the sound booth. At this point, the child can easily wear headphones for ear-specific measurements and sit still for tympanometry and acoustic reflex tests, as described above for adult hearing tests.

The best hearing test centres for children in the U.K. are:

Exmouth Hearing Test

Eynesford Hearing Clinic

Failsworth NHS Hearing Check

Exton Ear Doctor

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Our Hearing Tests

Hearing test for adults

Adult hearing

Many adults are unsure if they do actually have a hearing problem. Our free online hearing test for adults takes a few minutes to complete and provides a good indication of any possible hearing problem.
(click here)

NHS Youth hearing test centre

Youth Hearing

Teenagers often do not recognise, or ignore, symptoms indicating the onset of hearing problems. Nearly all youth hearing issues can be addressed and corrected without surgical intervention if timeously detected.
(click here)

NHS Child hearing test

Child Hearing

(Click to do the test)

The advantage of our online child hearing test is that the parent can perform our free test on the child multiple times over a course of several days, identify if a pattern exists and take the appropriate action.
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Is the child hearing test really free

Yes, the online hearing test for children is completely free of charge. We will not ask you for any form of payment.

What you need to complete the test

You will need a good pair of headphones, or earphones, that connect to your sound enabled computer, laptop or mobile device and internet access.

How You get the test results

The result of your childs online hearing test is available as printable report online and via email immediately after you have completed the test. To receive your test result you will need to provide some personal information.

How reliable is the free child hearing test

Provided that you follow the test instructions, our online hearing test fort children results are very reliable.

What Personal Information Must I Provide

To receive your free child hearing test results you will need to provide your name, post code, email address and a contact telephone number.

Will Anybody Contact Me

Should your childs online hearing test indicate they may have a hearing a problem we will pass your test results and contact details to your nearest physical test centre. Depending on their expert assessment they may invite you for further testing.

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Somerset, BA6 9DU, U.K.

Phone: +44 (0)208 1230993

Email: help@hearingtest.co.uk

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